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Jean-Paul Laurens, Le Pape Formose et Étienne VII ("Pope Formosus and Stephen VII"), 1870. Note the latter is now called Stephen VI.
就任October 6 891
卸任April 4, 896
前任Stephen V
繼任Boniface VI
出生ca. 816
Ostia, Italy
逝世April 4, 896
Rome, Italy
Pope Formosus and Stephen VII

褔慕(Formosus,約816年896年),或譯福爾摩賽福爾摩蘇斯,生於義大利奧斯提亞(Ostia),是羅馬天主教891年896年教宗。他短暫的任期可謂多災多難,甚至到了他死後,他的屍骨竟然被後來的教宗德範七世(或譯司提反七世)重新起出並穿回教宗原本的衣飾來接受一場臭名遠播的審判(是次審判英文稱之為en:Cadaver SynodCadaver Trial 拉丁文的名字則為Synodus Horrenda),審判後褔慕的指骨更被砍下,屍骨被投於河中。





Formosus was forced to crown Duke Guido II of Spoleto Roman Emperor in April 892. Other immediate issues were that in Constantinople, the Patriarch Photius had been ejected and Stephen, the son of Emperor Basil I, had taken the office. There was a quarrel between the Archbishops of Cologne and Hamburg concerning the Bishopric of Bremen. In the contest between Odo, Count of Paris and Charles the Simple for the French crown, the pope sided with Charles.

Formosus persuaded Arnulf of Carinthia to advance to Rome and liberate Italy. In 894, Arnulf subjugated all the country north of the Po River. Guido died in December leaving his son Lambert in the care of his mother Agiltrude, an opponent of the Carolingians. In the autumn of 895, Arnulf undertook his second Italian campaign, and in 896 he was crowned by the pope in Rome. The new emperor moved against Spoleto but was struck with paralysis on the way and was unable to continue the campaign.

On April 4, 896, Formosus died. He was succeeded by Pope Boniface VI.

Posthumous trial

Pope Stephen VI, the successor of Boniface, influenced by Lambert and Agiltrude, sat in judgment of Formosus in 897, in what was called the Cadaver Synod. The corpse was disinterred, clad in papal vestments and seated on a throne to face all the charges from John VIII. The verdict was that the deceased had been unworthy of the pontificate. All his measures and acts were annulled, and the orders conferred by him were declared invalid. The papal vestments were torn from his body, the three fingers from his right hand which the pope had used in consecrations were cut off and the corpse was then thrown into the Tiber (and later retrieved by a monk).

Following the death of Stephen VI, the body was reinterred in St. Peter's. Further trials of this nature against deceased persons were banned. But Pope Sergius III (904911) reapproved the decisions against Formosus. Sergius demanded the re-ordination of the bishops consecrated by Formosus, who in turn had meanwhile conferred orders on many other clerics, causing great confusion. Later the validity of Formosus's work was re-reinstated. The decision of Sergius has been subsequently disregarded by the Church.


